Pembroke Graphics was tasked by Wuchopperen Health with developing a super hero character who would be used for promoting a range of health messages to the indigenous community. A wide variety of promotional items were produced whilst the campaign was in operation, including posters, books, clothing, toys, pens, murals, billboards as well as full sized […]
Panama Disease illustrated lifecycle infographic
I was asked by Biosecurity Queensland to produce an A1 sized illustrated infographic to show the lifecycle of this highly infectious disease that affects banana plants. Images were individually illustrated digitally and assembled with text elements, using Adobe Illustrator. (Note: Three supplied banana tree images were supplied).
Logo design
Freedom Prosthetics
Pembroke Graphics developed the full visual identity for Freedom Prosthetics, including website, stationery, marketing materials, shop and vehicle signage.
Maps for all occasions
I can produce beautiful looking maps for any use, from small scale to state, national or global – simple or complex. Check out some more examples below.
Cairns Cycling & Walking Guide
First published for Cairns Regional Council in 2011 and now developed into its 5th version, these popular pocket sized guides feature handy tips and information as well as maps showing all cycle paths, footpaths and cycle friendly streets in the area. Original illustrations and all maps designed by Pembroke Graphics.